Week 46 / 2024
Published: 17/11/2024
What a solid, well-rounded week. A lot happened, but it wasn't overwhelming. I managed to make progress across all my ongoing projects. I watched some great movies, listened to nice music, and got back into my reading habit.
Weeks like these rule.
What's been happening?
I finally updated the work section on my website. I added two - ̗̀ new ̖́ 'professional' projects and created an 'other' category for projects that don't correspond to any specific category.
Currently, most of the projects I have listed link to the project's landing page. I want to change this by creating dedicated pages for each project. I plan to do this within the next two weeks.
On Tuesday, S and I decided to change things up and watch a movie instead of continuing with our current rotation of TV shows. We watched a Hindi movie from 2018 called Love Per Square Foot. It had some really funny moments. We had to pause and laugh out loud. The movie has Ratna Pathak Shah, who is always a watch.
Watching a (somewhat) old Hindi movie made us reminisce over movies and TV shows we watched growing up. We talked about iconic shows like Kya Mast Hai Life, Shararat, and Karishma Kaa Karishma. The conversation then turned to feelings of nostalgia about scheduled TV programming from the past. We spoke about the days before video-on-demand. Back then, we had to sift through the morning paper to find the schedules for TV shows and movies airing that day. Sigh. Such good times.
Is this what getting older feels like?
Speaking of classic TV shows and movies, I'm feeling a strong urge to start a collection of mine (and S's) greatest hits. A physical collection of TV shows and movies would have been ideal. However, physical media takes up space, which is always in short supply. So, I will settle for a digital collection.
The main motivation behind this is a fear of losing access to things I've consumed over the years. Losing access to my favourites would prevent me from sharing the things I love, with the people I love.
Streaming platforms like Netflix began with the promise of providing access to movies and TV shows. Unfortunately, that’s not how it works anymore. Every week, some movie or TV show vanishes from streaming due to expiring corporate deals between large conglomerates that really don't care about us.
On Thursday, I went out and got a much needed haircut. When I returned, my friend Gyan came over for coffee. We were meeting after a long time and had lots to catch up on. We both have very similar interests, so the conversation flowed smoothly. I made Gyan an espresso tonic and had a cappuccino for myself.
Gyan! After Gyan left, I finished my work for the week and began my long weekend. That night, I called my friend Sakshi, and the timing was perfect as it marked the start of her birthday. I wished her well and then continued with my night.
I received a package this week that I have been excited about for a few months: a macropad called Tentaku. Tentaku is a mechanical calculator kit that is built exactly like a mechanical keyboard, but functions like a calculator! I'm thrilled to build this. I might do it with S in December. I want to show her how soldering works, and this project is perfect for that.
My long weekend has been relaxing. I logged out of my work email and Slack at the end of Thursday. I wanted to fully disconnect this weekend.
In my time off, I've listened to my vinyls, watched my favorite Twitch streamer alexotos build keyboards while working on my own keyboard projects, and enjoyed watching movies.
Weekend movie watching with S has included: Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris and Paddington. If you're in the mood for a feel-good movie that fills your heart with happiness, definitely check these films out.
Media Diet
My YouTube algorithm blessed me with Rindue Music this week. The channel features cover songs created with looping tracks, a format that isn't particularly unique. What I love most about this channel is the lighting in the videos using a mixture of natural light and lamps. I aspire to do up my space like these videos one day.
Casey Neistat dropped a video this week and as per usual, it was off the charts levels of good. Check it out if you're looking for some motivation to DO HARD THINGS.
This weeknote was typed out on an ORI CLS-3//60 OG by ORI CLUB, built with hand-lubed Cherry MX Blacks on a Aluminium plate.